
I’m not surprised Planned Parenthood would sell body parts; they’ve been selling out abuse victims for years.

As you’ve probably heard by now, Planned Parenthood knows how to diversify. In addition to being America’s largest abortion chain, it’s also gotten into the business of selling spare parts—spare body parts.

The video above was released by the Center for Medical Progress, with the the unedited version available here. It records a meeting between Planned Parenthood’s senior director of medical services, Dr. Deborah Nucatola, and two individuals she believed were with a human-biologics firm. They’re discussing  how to acquire fetal organs, and Dr. Nucatola is happy to explain what’s involved:

“We’ve been very good at getting heart, lung, liver, because we know that, so I’m not gonna crush that part, I’m gonna basically crush below, I’m gonna crush above, and I’m gonna see if I can get it all intact.”

While she claims Planned Parenthood’s national organization has decided “it’s too touchy an issue for us to be an official middleman” in supplying human remains, that doesn’t stop the group’s affiliates from looking for opportunities. At eight minutes and two seconds into the unedited tape, she says, “I think for affiliates, at the end of the day, they’re a non-profit, they just don’t want to—they want to break even. And if they can do a little better than break even, and do so in a way that seems reasonable, they’re happy to do that.”

What Nucatola is describing isn’t just gruesome, it’s also illegal. “A little better than break even” is what most people would call “turning a profit.” That’s a bit of a problem, as federal law says you can’t make money off the transfer of fetal tissue.

There are other issues here too. Altering a surgical procedure in order to facilitate the acquisition of organs is, as New York University bioethicist Art Art Caplan puts it, a “big no-no.” Not that Planned Parenthood has much of a track record when it comes to laws and ethics. In fact, I’m really not surprised that Planned Parenthood would be fine with selling body parts. After all, they’ve been selling out abuse victims for years.

They did it to Denise Fairbanks. At sixteen, Fairbanks was brought to Planned Parenthood for an abortion by her incestuous father. As she would later recount in a lawsuit, Fairbanks explicitly told clinic staff that her father had raped her. They responded by performing the abortion and then turning her back over to him.

And that wasn’t the only time Planned Parenthood helped an abuser hide his crimes. Gary Cross knew he had problem when he discovered that his thirteen year-old step daughter was pregnant. After her mother noticed the girl was gaining weight, Cross brought her to a Planned Parenthood facility. Staff there didn’t inform authorities that the victim was well below the age of consent. Instead, they referred her for a late-term abortion. Cross continued to rape her for months thereafter.

Timothy Smith’s step daughter received the same treatment. Thanks to the coverup abortion that Planned Parenthood performed, Smith was able to stay out of jail and keep up the abuse.

Predators John Blanks, Jr. and Adam Gault also got assistance. Accused serial rapist Tyler Kost seems to have as well. When one of his alleged victims went to Planned Parenthood for an abortion, staff told her that reporting the crime would involve too much effort. Law enforcement officials have said that an investigation could have been opened months before if a report had been filed.

So what type of a person would be heartless enough to help cover up child rape? This type:

That’s a video of former Planned Parenthood clinic director Amy Woodroof. In 2011 she was visited by Live Action investigators who claimed to be pimps using underage prostitutes. Far from being outraged, she offered to do them a favor, saying, “If they’re 14 and under, just send them right there if they need an abortion, OK?” That they “can’t speak English” and “won’t know what’s going on” wasn’t a problem for her.

Live Action founder Lila Rose documented the same mentality in 2008. Rose told Planned Parenthood staff in Memphis that she was fourteen and pregnant via her thirty one year-old boyfriend. A counselor was ready to cover up the abuse, advising Rose to lie about her age when seeking an abortion. Trips to other facilities yielded similar results. 

After reading all of this, do you feel like giving money to Planned Parenthood? If not, then I’ve got some bad news: you already are. Every year, Planned Parenthood receives over half a billion dollars in federal funding.

If you want to see that change, you’re not alone: Live Action has created a petition urging Congress to hold Planned Parenthood accountable and end its nine figure subsidy. You can find it here, along with additional proof of Planned Parenthood’s corruption.

The time has come to shut down Planned Parenthood’s business model. Because whether it’s a baby’s liver or a thirteen year-old abuse victim, some things just shouldn’t be for sale.

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